Stardrive 2 best weapon against shields
Stardrive 2 best weapon against shields

If you plan for it, carrier battleships + meatshield (usually artillery battleships) can work well too. If you can unlock them early, they are extremely potent as both starbase defense (wehere they slaughter the enemy corvette fleets) as well as when you first get cruisers - battles are still drawn out so they really get DPS in. It should also be noted that strikecraft repeatable technologies offer +10% boosts instead of +5%, so they exponentially outscale everything else. This makes the old model of artillery battleships + flak destroyer screen somewhat questionable, since swapping the destroyers for a few carriers can greatly increase DPS.īecause they don't miss, they overperform versus other L slot weapons against evasive things like corvettes. Strikecraft were given a huge buff and are notable for their perfect accuracy and ability to also act as point defense.

stardrive 2 best weapon against shields

Scourge missiles, however, if you can get them, are OP weapons. (You can look up a recent stefan anon video on it, but a handful of hangar cruisers can hold off dozens and dozens of missile corvettes without ever taking damage.) Torpedoes however are actually decent weapons, namely because they have an armor multiplier instead of a hull bonus, so when they impact in the first salvo they all deal 1.5x - if an enemy has no PD, torpedo corvettes aren't bad picks. In practice, missiles aren't very useful because of their base stats being lackluster and being totally and completely hard countered by strikecraft. The theory of missiles is that they give small craft an outsized ability to take on something larger. This makes energy weapon using ships better at hunting down wounded enemies and finishing them off.Ĭlick to expand.Those two are just your baseline weapons.

stardrive 2 best weapon against shields

But if your ship has lasers or plasma it will look for a new target that has shields down. The issue is that because kinetic weapons have a bonus vs shields, whenever your ship destroys an enemy it will look for a new target that still has shields up. Kinetic weapons in general are inferior to energy weapons for two reasons: starbases have several thousands of bonus armor and energy weapons are better for focusing fire. Missiles are bad for the reasons mentioned above and even though torpedoes are okay, I prefer to have just 1 ship for all needs. Even at their best a Plasma/Autocannon combo is only somewhat better than a Laser/PD combo. They have a brief moment during the midgame in which they shine, but they don't unlock any new researach options and eventually get replaced entirely by better weapons, which means that in the long term researching them is pointless. Plasma and Autocannons are dead ends in weapon evolution. Particle/Tachyon Lance I don't research largely because at that point I'm aiming to fight awakened/fallen empires and Focused Arc Emitter just works better against them. Here are the reasons I don't research other weapons: Maybe it's not optimal in multiplayer, but in singleplayer it's simply works against everything, is probably optimal against fallen/awakened empires and the Contingency, and is the second best against the Prethoryn and Unbidden. The main benefit of my final design is that it's a jack-of-all trades.

stardrive 2 best weapon against shields

Battleship with spinal Mount Bow, Hangar Core, and Broadside Stern carrying a Focused Arc Emitter, a hangar, and 6 Phased Disruptors. Battleship with all artillery sections carrying 6 Proton/Neutron Launchers.Ĥ. Destroyer with Artillery Bow and Picket Ship Stern carrying a Proton/Neutron Launcher and 2 PD.ģ. While researching penetrating weapons I also research hangars.ġ.a Corvette with Picket Ship core carrying 2 lasers and 1 flak cannon and later PD.ġ.b Corvette with Interceptor core carrying 3 lasers.Ģ. Then I research Proton and Neutron Launchers and when I have them I research disruptors and then arc emitters.

stardrive 2 best weapon against shields

I do also research PD, but it's secondary. What I do is focus exclusively on lasers until I unlock the option to research Proton Launchers. Having more advanced weapons from 1 category will generally be better than having a mix of all possible weapons.

Stardrive 2 best weapon against shields