Desperados 3 switch
Desperados 3 switch

Not only is the window to kill them in while they’re downed not very long, but they will also kill you if you venture in front of them on your way to getting them from behind.įor that reason, it’s recommended that you have a character hiding behind them before a bullet is shot so that you can dispatch of them instantly. While this is a decent way of dispatching of Long Coats, it isn’t always super easy to pull off. If you shoot a Long Coat, they will go down and be temporarily unable to move and leave them open to an assassination from behind. This one is the most finicky method of killing Long Coats in Desperados 3, but it’s just as effective as the others. “A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.” If they are, either wait for the perfect second when they aren’t, or send in another party member to deal with them at the same time. Be sure to check if any enemies are in the sound cone for the attack before you execute the move. The flaw in this is that gunshots are loud. The most effective way to carry out this method is to enter Showdown Mode, line up two shots with Cooper’s revolvers and then have McCoy use his sniper to pull off the kill in once very quick move. Long Coats have three health bars, which means that you could technically kill one with simultaneous shots from your party members. The other slight negative about this strategy is that Hector cannot climb up plant walls to reach higher places, so you may have to take out other enemies and go the long way round before fighting Long Coats. If there are other enemies patrolling the same area, you may need to dispatch of them first before sending in Hector.

desperados 3 switch

The only major downside is that the animation to kill them is longer than a standard assassination. His hatchet can deplete their three bars of health in one move, so if you have Hector in your party, you’re likely in for a good time against Long Coats. Hector, the best character in Desperados 3, is the only character that can kill Long Coats outright. That’s easier said than done, but luckily for you, we’ve put together a few tips on how you can get rid of Long Coats in Desperados 3.

desperados 3 switch

This makes them a nuisance and an enemy that you usually have to try and dispose of first. Cooper’s throwing knife and Hector’s Bear Trap also have no effect. The biggest and baddest of them all are the Long Coats, who act as mini-bosses and can put a stop to your progress in a second.Īs well as featuring three bars of health, meaning that they cannot simply be killed like all of the other enemies in the game, Long Coats can also see through Kate’s disguises and immediately start shooting at here. Desperados 3 has quite the variety of delinquents and dastardly dudes to take care of as you shoot and stab your way through its chunky single player campaign.

Desperados 3 switch